
Life Lists

I am a little bit well-known (famous?) for making lists. I guess my brain is wired that way that I need to see things grouped, yet separated. A list makes tasks and items bit-sized; do them one-by-one and you will finish the list- easy right?

Because of this, Google Keep is now my best friend and has been for a few years. I really like the sync feature so that I can type random, often unintelligible, things into my phone and later organize and follow through with them on the computer. I put everything into these lists, like groceries, to-do items, packing items, and movies I want to watch. I thought by sharing these lists it could be a tiny glimpse of what is happening in my world that week, and hopefully useful tidbits I can share with everyone else.

I often write Monday on a list then go through the week changing the day. If something makes it to Friday without being done it gets a new name lol. My important things to do this week are phone AMEX to top up my travel insurance (see about AMEX here). I also need to go for a Travel Health consultation. A person should go WAY more than 3 weeks before, but since I went last year I know my shots are up-to-date, will just need some prescriptions.

I have listed out my recurring payments because I want to change some of my credit cards soon (will write about that) so need to know what is coming out automatically in order to change it. Again, making a list simplifies things.

When I go to Asia at the end of January (!) we will be visiting Vietnam, Laos and Thailand and transiting through Hong Kong. I haven’t decided exactly which currencies I will take, but for sure US Dollars anyways. I put them in a list for safe-keeping.

I went through a habit of starting books before I had finished the old ones, so I made a list of books I have to read before I read anything else. This was a list of 4, so 3 is going in the right direction.

I posted last week about Better than Before and recommend it to everyone!

The Ghost Map is about London in the time when Cholera was happening and the man who discovered that the disease was spread through the water.

Operation Seal Bay is about the drug bust that happened in West Wales in the 1980s, when the “country folk” felt that something was amiss. They sure were right.

Thanks for reading! x

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